
In an era of accelerating and complex changes in the law the use of legal aid is slowly becoming a necessity. Many entrepreneurs are faced with the choice whether to use the services of law firms or take the risk of infringement alone. I am convinced that the cooperation with the law firm increases the effectiveness of the Company, enhances the security of business transactions that are carried out and in practice it can also reduce operating costs./p>

The Law Firm run by me specializes in provision of comprehensive services for domestic and foreign businesses. Base and range of activities provided by the Law Office is regulated by the Act of 6 July 1982 on legal advisers (Journal of Laws of 2015. Pos. 507, ie).

Tomasz Lauzer

The Law Firm also maintains regular contact with notaries, lawyers, solicitors and articling students. At the moment it is cooperating with several specialists in various fields of law, and among others regular practice in banking, commercial, copyright, financial, tax laws, personal data protection law, unfair competition and monopolistic practices, and other areas of law. It also has regular contact with the scientific community, in particular with prominent experts of economic, international and European law.

As far as I am concerned, I guarantee reliable service, excellent knowledge of the Polish law and trade, as well as meeting deadlines and competitive financial conditions.

Details can be found in the SERVICES section.