International cooperation

This area of cooperation has been recently introduced, and the cause of its separation are rapid social and economic changes resulting from population flows between European countries. Very many entrepreneurs not only for tax reasons moves their business to another country, many of them regularly works with foreign partners. Moreover in Polish tenders increasingly compete foreign companies.

Another manifestation of the international element is the one that emigration trips result in mixed marriages. There are divorces of a citizen of a foreign state, consequently problems arise with the marital assets located in several countries.

On the other hand a lot of trouble of Polish entities is caused by claims on receivables abroad. The barrier is the official language of a foreign court and different regulations and customs. Here, in this area of the Law Office constantly expands the circle of foreign cooperation to provide customers with effective representation on the territory of a foreign state.

The examples and interesting orders that Law Office has recently implemented include:
  • claims on receivables in Spain with the participation of the local office,
  • purchase of real estate in the Republic of Cyprus for a customer,
  • conclusion of the contract for English language learning for children of Polish customer in Canada.

The increasingly growing area of international cooperation is a change of customers' tax residence. This is facilitated by a very aggressive Polish tax system and very obscure system of applying and interpreting the law. Some customers enjoy the benefits of free movement of capital and people and they begin operations in a foreign country and pay taxes there.

The most popular countries offering clear tax rules and certain facilities are:
  • Cyprus,
  • Slovakia,
  • Malta,
  • Luxembourg,
  • The islands of Jersey and Guernsey.

In this area, the Law Office has a possibility of a preliminary assessment of legal risks and provides assistance in dealing with foreign lawyers and leads with one of them a case in a foreign country.